The Benefits of Having a Virtual Office Address in Hong Kong

12/30/2014 16:21

If you're an avid user browsing around the net chances are you've probably heard about these virtual offices before in one way or another. If you're curious, just read on.

So what exactly are they?
Virtual Offices, contrary to the name, are not actually virtual. These are real address that basically acts like a forward shipping address. Every call, mail, packages are forwarded to the address you set in record. But that is not the only services they provide, most of them give you access to a meeting space that you can use to meet clients in person. Basically a virtual office is a cheap affordable way to extend your business reach.

So what are the benefits?
Imagine you have a business, and both you and a competitor are based on say Los Angeles. Potential client A is looking for a business to use, now the kicker is that client A is in HK. Who do you think will get business? Chances are both you and your competitor won't get the business. Clients looks for something reachable, a business on the other side of the world isn't really reachable. Of course with the advent of the internet that isn't entirely true anymore but the fact still holds true. Businesses with a local presence have a distinct advantage.

Now imagine you have virtual office address in Hong Kong. Potential client A can see you have an office in LA and HK. Now who do you think the client is more likely to pick? The completely local business or you the international company that successfully expanded into HK (in their eyes)? When it comes to business first impressions lasts and having a virtual office really helps. It gives you and your business a sense of locality.

Okay but why Hong Kong, and not some other city in Asia?
Hong Kong is the center of financial markets in Asia. And as you know more money = more business. Sure you could get a virtual office in some other city but it's unlikely that would get the same result as getting one in Hong Kong. In the end it's your choice.


Virtual Offices Help Small Firms Play Bigger - Read the full article